Respuesta :

Ending the slave trade was when they stopped selling slaves and whatever slaves they had, they got to keep. Ending slavery was when they stopped slaves from all of their work, although they had to pay their masters for the land they used.


Ending slavery is the absolute dissolution of the keeping slaves or even keeping someone enslaved while ending the slave trade only means to stop the selling of slaves and not the actual enslaving of people.


Ending slavery and ending the slave trade are two very different things. While both are related to the issue of slaves, they do not really imply the same thing.

Ending slavery implies the overall withdrawal or removal of putting anyone under another person. It is the complete abolition of keeping slaves or enslaving someone to work for another person, any form of demarcation suggesting the difference in their status.

On the other hand, ending the slave trade is just the stopping or cessation of the selling of people for enslaving purposes. The slave trade is the selling of people to another richer and 'superior' person for the purpose of servitude by the 'slave' or 'bought person'. This does not imply the same as the ending of slavery. The stopping of the slave trade may not necessarily mean to stop keeping slaves. It just stops the business transaction of the whole process of getting the slave.