
Macy measured the mass of a 69.3 g mouse at 70.0 g. Eli measured the mass of a 3867 kg elephant at 3900 kilograms. Macy's error was 70-69.3 = 0.7 g-- about half the mass of a paperclip. A. What was Eli's error? B. Name an object of this approximate mass. C. Accuracy can be defined in terms of percent error. Who was more accurate, Macy or Eli? Justify your answer with mathematics.

Respuesta :


Eli's error can be found by subtracting (3900 - 3867).  This equals 33 kg, so Eli's error was 33 kgs.

B.  Objects that are close to this in weight are :

The average weight of an 11 year old boy or the Samsung 65 inch Plasma TV.

C.  Calculations for percent error:

69.3 - 70.0 / 70.0 = 0.7/70 = 0.01 = 1%

Macy's percent error was 1%.

3867 - 3900 / 3900 = 33/3900 ≈ 0.0085 = 0.85%

Eli's percent error was about 0.85%.

Because Eli's percent error was less than Macy's (0.85% < 1%), Eli was more accurate.