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Half the population during the 1920's lived in rural areas because they were believed to be safe, have close ties, morals, as well as hard work. People in urban areas often looked down on people from rural areas because they considered them as outsiders. This was because people who lived in urban areas had a life of anonymous crowds. these crowds included strangers, money makers, and pleasure seekers. They experienced an economic boom due to an extreme social and cultural change which caused urban areas to become more liberal.
In many respects, the lifestyles of urban and rural Americans contrasted throughout the 1920s.
- Every year, over 2 million individuals migrate to cities from rural areas.
- The moral beliefs and social interactions of rural Americans began to shift.
- Overcrowding began to occur in urban areas. People worked all hours of the day and night.
- In metropolitan regions, nightlife, drinking, smoking, and dating were beginning to emerge.
- The pace of life in cities began to pick up.
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