What does the D in DNA Stand for?

A. The name of the base that makes it up

B. The kind of macromolecule it is

C. The name of the sugar that makes it up

D. The number of strands that form it

Respuesta :

The answer is C, the sugar, as the D stands for deoxyribose


The answer is (C) as the name of sugar that makes it up.


DNA stands for Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid. Deoxyribose is a five carbon (pentose)  sugar. Name deoxy is given to it because of containing one oxygen less than ribose. It's formed by replacing the hydroxyl group (OH) with hydrogen (H) at carbon number 2. In DNA structure Deoxyribose  molecule is attached to the next phosphate molecule with the help of phosphodiester bonds.