one of the extra surviving legacies of Ashoka was the pattern that he gave for the alliance between Buddhism and the state. Emperor Ashoka was regarded as a role model to heads within the Buddhist society. He not only given direction and force, but he also built personal relations with his followers.
According to the legends Ashokavadana, Ashoka was not non-violent after choosing Buddhism. In one situation, a non-Buddhist in Pundravardhana painted a picture explaining the Buddha kneeling at the feet of Nirgrantha Jnatiputra On a reproach from a Buddhist believer, Ashoka announced an order to capture him, and finally, added order to kill all the Ajivikas in Pundravardhana. Nearby 18,000 supporters of the Ajivika following were killed as a consequence of this command.
Three important ideas are necessary to follow to run an empire.
An emperor should have leadership qualities to run the empire successfully. He should create some opportunities for the poor community of his state and try to build personal relations with his followers, in regard he gets huge support of his followers.
To run an empire, economical position of State must be strong, and army should be ready to face any kind of challenging situation imposed by enemies.