
Complete the chart about federalists and antifederalists.

Federalists Antifederalists

Opinion about Constitution:

Where Did Supporters Live:

Bill of Rights:

Founding Fathers:

Economic Ideas:

View on State’s Powers:

Respuesta :




Opinion about Constitution

They were Pro Constitution  

They were Anti Constitution  

Where did supporters live?

Urban Areas

Rural Areas

Bill of Rights

They were Pro Bill of Rights but didn’t find it necessary

They were Pro Bill of Rights but they wanted it to support the Constitution  

Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, George Washington

Economic Ideas

They supported a national bank  

They supported more Small Businesses and Farms

View on state's power

Believed the Federal should have the most power

Believed the State should have the most power

 Federalists Antifederalists

Opinion about Constitution Supported Believed too powerful

Where Did Supporters Live Urban areas Rural areas

Bill of Rights Supported but not necessary for Constitution Wanted Bill of Rights to support Constitution

Founding Fathers Hamilton, Washington, Adams Jefferson, Patrick Henry, Sam Adams

Economic Ideas Big business/wealthy interests; favored national bank Mostly farmers and small business owners

View on State’s Powers Federal government should be more powerful State governments should hold more power