An object travels a given distance at a speed of 5 m/s. If the object travels the same distance at a higher speed, how will the faster speed affect the time it takes the object to travel the distance?
A. It will take less time to travel the distance.

B. It will take more time to travel the distance.

C. The time will remain constant.

D. The time will not be affected.

Respuesta :

a. it will take less time


Really ?  Really ? ? REALLY ? ? ?

When you're late leaving the house for school, what's your instinct ?  Is it to walk FASTER ?  Why ?  Is it just because being late makes you nervous and jumpy ?  If you walk the same distance at a higher speed, what will that do to the time it takes to travel the same distance ?

Sit down, relax, and activate that grey spongy thing inside your occipital cranium.