Original sequence: TAC CTG GAT ATC
Transcriber sequence (mRNA): UAC CUG GAU AUC
Translated sequence: YLDI
The characters YLDI stand for aminoacids as:
Y for Tyrosine, L for Leucine, D for Aspartic acid, I for Isoleucine.
Another word for set of 3 bases:
A three base sequence in DNA or RNA is also called as a codon. For example, AUA, AUC, AUU are three codons that code the amino acid Isoleucine. Similarly, AAA, AAG are codons that code for amino acid Lysine.
Macro-molecule from amino acid chain:
When different amino acids are joined with each other end to end in a huge number, they form large complex molecules called Proteins. Proteins are extremely important. They are large molecules that are used for structural support, storage, to transport substances, and as enzymes in living organisms. They are a sophisticated, diverse group of molecules, and yet they are all polymers of just 20 amino acids.
For example: Keratin is a protein that forms our hair. Haemoglobin is a protein that transports oxygen in living cells.