To compare fractions you need a common denominator, then you can make a
comparison. You would divide the number line between 0 and 1 (or any 2
whole numbers on the number line) based on that common denominator. For
example... if you were trying to compare 3/4 and 2/8, you would find
the common denominator (in this case 8) and convert the fractions...
3/4 = 6/8
2/8 stays as 2/8
you would go to the number line between 0 and 1 and divide it into 8
equal pieces. 3/4 would go over the 6th division and 2/8 would go over
the second division.
That would give you a good visual that 2/8 < 3/4
[ / / / / / / / ]
0 2/8 3/4 1