
When did people begin to notice that coastlines of continents fit together like puzzle pieces?
A. when satellites began taking pictures of Earth from space
B. when Alfred Wegener proposed the idea of continental drift
C. when early explorers traveled from Europe and Asia to the Americas
D. when geologists first started examining the fossil record of South America

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C. when early explorers traveled from Europe and Asia to the Americas


The first people that noticed that the eastern coastline of South America and the western coastline of Africa are matching like puzzle pieces were the explorers that traveled from the Old World to the New World and created maps of the two continents.

The people that were making the maps noticed that the two continents match, but they didn't came with the idea that they might have actually been merged in the distant past, but thought that it is a coincidence.

The person that used the matching coastlines of these two continents in order to support a claim of his was Alfred Wegener. His claim was that the Earth is divided into tectonic plates and that they constantly move. Also, he thought that in the distant past the continents were all merged together. This actually turned out to be true, and the theory of continental drift came to be.


C. when early explorers traveled from Europe and Asia to the Americas


The explorers that travelled from the Old World to the New World were the ones who created the maps of the two continents. They were also the people that noticed the eastern coastline of South America and the western coastline of Africa. These people noticed that the two continents were matching but they never concluded that maybe the two continents had a past where they were merged.