
[WILL GIVE BRAINLIEST- 50 POINTS] Please answer these questions to the best of your ability. Merci!

1) What is the imperative tense used for?
2) When do you use the “tu” form?
3) When do you use the “vous” form?
4) When do you use the “nous” form?
5) When forming the imperative, what is different about “er” verbs, “aller,” and verbs like “ouvrir?"


6) How are “avoir” and “être” formed in this tense?
avoir être
“tu” form: “tu” form:
“vous” form: “vous” form:
“nous” form: “nous” form:
7) Translate these commands into French:
a: (to a child) Brush your teeth!
b: (to a group of people): Listen to the teacher!
c: (to a group including yourself): Let’s go to the movies!
d: (to a child) Do your homework!
e: (to a group of people): Don’t take the medicine!
f: (to a group including yourself): Let’s not suffer!

Respuesta :

1: The imperative is used to give commands and orders. The form of the verb used for the imperative is the base form of the main verb, which is used without a subject.

That's all I know

I hope this helps:)



1- The imperative tense is mainly  used to give orders, (make a request, give advices, express something you want as a desire, recommend something ...all kinds of commands ...)

2-  "tu" form = 2nd person singular : informal "you" (for a friend, s.o. you know well)

3- "vous" form = 2nd person plural (several persons) OR formal you ('vous de politesse' for s.o. older, for s.o. you don't know ...)

4- "nous" form = 1st person plural   ==> "let's"

5- verbs in -er = -e / -ons / -ez  (1er groupe =  speak : parler : parle / parlons / parlez  // sing : chanter :  chante / chantons / chantez .....)

  aller               = va  /allons / allez (irregular verb)

    verbs in -ir  = -e  / -ons       / -ez        (ouvrir = 3 ème goupe -----> ouvre / ouvrons / ouvrez)

so, as you can see, verbs in -ir as 'ouvrir' (3 ème goupe) and those in -er ( 1er groupe as 'chanter') have the same endings

'aller' is an irregular verb.

  [But the verbs in -ir  = -is / -issons  / -issez   (finir  = 2 ème groupe ------------>finis / finissons  / finissez) are diffferent]

6- "avoir"

   aie   / ayons  /      ayez


   sois  /   soyons   /soyez

7- Translate

a- (to a child)  Brush your teeth !  = Brosse-toi les dents !

b- (to a group of people) Listen to the teacher ! = Écoutez le professeur !

c- (to a group including yourself) Let's go to the movies ! = Allons au cinéma !

d- (to a child) Do your homework ! = Fais tes devoirs !

e- (to a group of people) Don't take the medicine ! = Ne prenez pas le(s) médicament(s) !

f- (to a group including yourself) Let's not suffer ! = Ne souffrons pas !

hope this helps ☺☺☺