¿Qué frases están escritas correctamente?
1. que se tome este jarabe.
2. Prohíbo tome de esta agua.
3. Es una lástima que no se sienta mejor.
4. Duelo el estómago.
5 .Aconsejo que llegue temprano.
6. Recomiendo que coma mucha fruta.

THE ANSWERS ARE 1 .. 3 .. 5.. 6 and

someone please say soemthing so this can stay up :))

Respuesta :

I would say 3,  5 or 6

3: is its a shame that you dont feel well, but we can probably cross that out considering its not written correctly, dosent sound right,

5: I suggest you come early

6: I recommend that you eat a lot of fruit

i would go with 6

1, 3, 5 and 6 !! That’s the correct answer