You are flying from Denver to Albuquerque. The distance is 349 miles between airports and takes 1 hour and 20 minutes to travel once the plane is in the air. It takes approximately 2 hours to check in to the airport and get seated. It takes 1 hour after seating for the plane to take off. It takes 1 hour once at the air port to disembark, and 1 hour to get a rental car and get back on the road. The whole trip can be driven by car in 6 hours. Which trip is faster: Car or plane?

Respuesta :


  • car trip is faster than plane trip

Step-by-step explanation:

The less time the trip takes the faster the trip is.

1. Plane: build a table with the given times for flying and sum up every stage of the flying trip:

Stage                                                 time

  • On air                                       1 h: 20'
  • Check in and get seated        2 h
  • To take off                                1 h
  • Disembark                                1 h
  • Get a rental car                        1 h


                                      Sum            6 h: 20'

2. Car.

  • Given total time: 6 h

3. Comparisson: 6 h < 6 h : 20' ⇒ car trip is faster than plane trip