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What it takes to lead up. More and more businesses are moving away from the traditional structure of having one boss dictate responsibilities and make policy decisions. Top executives are relying more on upper-level managers who are relying more on the team that reports to them. Those employees who show a sincere interest in the company’s success, are respected by their peers, and are proactive in solving problems are more likely to become junior leaders. The advice, ideas, and feedback these employees provide to upper management can help drive change and move the company in a positive direction.

Leading up can be risky, but if done successfully can open up great leadership possibilities. In order to lead up effectively, it is important to have and display a number of qualities. Individuals with the traits below will more likely have an active role in making team decisions, give important feedback to those in management, and become key figures in shaping the future direction of a company.

1. Communicate clearly. .

2. Be a good listener.

3. Be patient and persistent.

4. Take initiative. .

5. Focus on the greater good.


Communicate clearly. Honestly and effectively communicate your insights on the strengths and weaknesses within an organization, and provide thoughtful solutions. It is important not to assume that senior leadership will have the same viewpoint on given issues. Be ready to respectfully defend your position and show how your ideas align to the company’s mission. Determining when to push for what you want and when to back off is a valuable skill that takes time and practice.

Be a good listener. After leading up by communicating your ideas to your senior leaders, it is important that you listen to their responses. Take notes, ask questions, and confirm viewpoints on issues. This will show that you are actively taking an interest in what they have to say. Once they feel that their views and opinions have been heard, they will be more likely to listen to your suggestions, which will strengthen your ability to lead up.

Be patient and persistent. Change does not happen overnight, and it may even take weeks or months. The important thing is to be patient. It is also equally important to be persistent. There may be times when your ideas and those of management are not in agreement, but that does not mean you have to abandon them. Perhaps the timing was not right for your suggestions. If your proposed changes are turned down, try another approach. Be sure to fact check your recommendations, gather data to support suggested changes, and confirm that the timing is right to pitch your ideas.

Take initiative. Seek opportunities to lighten the load of your leaders without being asked, and willingly take on projects that others do not want. This will give you additional chances to lead up. Every time you lead up, you increase the likelihood of gaining trust and respect from your coworkers and the attention of your leaders. In time, those around you will come to rely on your advice and guidance.

Focus on the greater good. Those in a position to lead up should always seek the greater good of the company over any personal agendas. Use your knowledge, skills, and experiences to help senior leaders achieve the goals and vision of the company.
