The five major classes of the artropods are:
- Insects;
Ex: ants; locusts;
Can be eaten. They contain lot of protein, and are easy to digest, especially if cooked.
- Crustaceans;
Ex: crabs; shrimps.
Can be eaten. They are a very popular dish around the world. the human body digests them without any problem, and they are very healthy.
- Centipedes;
Ex: scolopendra; stone centipedes;
Can not be eaten. They contain strong toxins and chemicals that the human body can not process.
- Millipedes;
Ex: julida; polydesmida;
Can not be eaten. As the centipedes, they too contain toxins and chemicals that are not good for the human body.
- Arachnids;
Ex: tarantula; wold spider;
Can be eaten. When cooked, they are easy to digest, and in general the human digestive system doesn't have problems with them.