Look at each vocabulary word listed in the table along with its definition, a synonym, and an antonym. Using this additional information, familiarize yourself with each word. Take notes about the words to help you become more familiar with them.

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Answer: Where is the list of words. Is this a word memory test?


Look at each vocabulary word listed in the table along with its definition, a synonym, and an antonym. Using this additional information, familiarize yourself with each word. Take notes about the words to help you become more familiar with them.

Word and Part of Speech Definitions Pronunciation Synonyms Antonyms

deride (verb) to mock dih-RYD ridicule praise

imperturbable (adjective) cool and collected im-pur-TUR-buh-bul calm upset

litany (noun) a petition LIH-tuh-nee plea --

impinge (verb) to strike im-PINJ crash avoid

incessant (adjective) going on continuously in-SEH-suhnt constant sporadic

amiability (noun) friendly disposition ay-mee-uh-BIHL-uh-tee agreeable disagreeable

discreetly (adverb) cautiously and prudently dih-SCREET-lee modestly indiscreetly

garrulous (adjective) very talkative GAYR-uh-luhs loquacious quiet

pious (adjective) religiously inclined PY-uhs devout impious

girded (adjective) surrounded on all sides GERD-ehd encircled open

pervade (verb) to be present throughout pur-VAYD to permeate lacking

anguish (noun) heartbreak and sorrow ANG-gwish sadness joy