c.The transactions would lower Lofland's financial strength as measured by its current ratio but raise Smaland's current ratio.
The current ratio compares current assets with current liabilities showing how many dollars of assets are there for a dollar of liabilities. This tells investors about the company ability to pay short-term obligations or those due within one year.
Current Ratio = Current Asset (CA) / Current Liabilities (CL)
Lofland's NOW = 20 M CA / 10 M CL = 2.00
Lofland's AFTER = 30 M CA / 20 M CL = 1.50
Smaland's NOW = 10 M CA / 20 M CL = 0.50
Smaland's AFTER = 20 M CA / 30 M CL = 0.67
Lofland's current ratio gets lower, so its financial strength as well. Instead, Smaland's current ratio gets higher and It´s financially stronger.