It is a better deal to finance through bonds payable, as the projected earnings per share is 2.76 while, financing through equity the EPS is 0.4125
current income: 150,000
additional income 300,000
if finance through equity:
300,000 - 40% tax rate = 180,000
scenario income 150,000 + 180,000 = 330,000
EPS: 330,000 / (100,000+700,000) = 330,000/800,000 = 0.4125
if finance through debt:
1,000,000 x 9% = 90,000 interest expense
(300,000 - 90,000 ) - 40% taxrate = 126,000 after interet and taxes
scenario income 150,000 + 126,000 = 276,000
EPS 276,000/ 100,000 = 2.76