Can someone please help me out with a few of these history questions please

1.Which term is applied to powers shared between the state and federal government?





2.How much power do the states have in a confederate system of government?

They have most of the power.

They share power with the national government.

They have very little power compared to county and municipal governments.

They have very little power compared to the national government.

3.According to Thomas Jefferson, how should the necessary and proper clause be interpreted? This clause states, " make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the enumerated powers."

The Supreme Court should make all decisions about which laws and actions are necessary to carry out the enumerated powers of the federal government.

For a law or action to be constitutional, Congress must agree with the executive branch that the particular law or action is necessary to carry out the power of government.

If the states disagree with Congress about which laws or actions are necessary, then the states should interpose themselves between the federal government and the citizens and prevent the law or action from going into effect.

If the federal government can perform an enumerated power without a particular law or action, then that law or action is unnecessary and therefore unconstitutional.

4.According to Alexander Hamilton, how should the powers of government be understood?

The national government is doubly limited. Not only are its powers restricted to the ends laid out in the Constitution, but it can also use only those means that are explicitly granted to it and not given to any other level of government.

The national government is a sovereign government. It has broadly defined powers when it acts in relation to any of the lawful ends of government.

The powers of the federal government extend to all "necessary and proper" activities—like chartering a bank that is a necessary part of national finance.

Governments are constantly pursuing power, and the only way to understand governmental actions is as a continuing struggle for power.

5.Which level of government prints money?


both state and federal

local and municipal


Respuesta :


1 A

2 A

3 D

4 B

5 A


If earned please give brainiest its greatly appreciated. have a nice day.



1.Which term is applied to powers shared between the state and federal government?  

A: concurrent

2.How much power do the states have in a confederate system of government?  

A:They have most of the power.

3.According to Thomas Jefferson, how should the necessary and proper clause be interpreted? This clause states, " make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the enumerated powers."

A: If the federal government can perform an enumerated power without a particular law or action, then that law or action is unnecessary and therefore unconstitutional.

4.According to Alexander Hamilton, how should the powers of government be understood?

A: The national government is a sovereign government. It has broadly defined powers when it acts in relation to any of the lawful ends of government.

5.Which level of government prints money?

A: federal