One similarity between work and power is that in order to calculate both you must know the force.
Answer: Option D
As we all know that work is defined as the energy required moving an object to a particular distance by applying force, parallel to the distance. Whereas, power is how much work can do in a unit time i.e. the rate of work done.
Now, moving on to the respective formulae of both the physical quantities, we see;
Power is work done (W) in a unit time (t),
[tex]P=\frac{\text { workdone }}{\text { time }}[/tex]
And work (W) is defined through a formula,
[tex]W=\text { Force } \times \text { distance }[/tex]
If we apply the formula of Work in the equation of Power, we see;
[tex]P=\frac{\text {Force} \times \text {distance}}{\text {time}}[/tex]
This means, the prime factor required to calculate both the physical quantities is force.