Respuesta :

Answer: Dice- Dijo

Decimos- Dijimos

Digo- Dije



The right match between the present form and the preterite form is:

  1. Dije : Digo.
  2. Dijimos : Decimos.
  3. Dijo: Dice.


The verb "decir" has differents conjugations in Preterite and Present depending on the personal pronoun that is used, below are the possible conjugations:

Personal Pronoun + Verb "decir" in Present / Verb "decir" in Preterite.

  • Yo digo/dije.
  • dices/dijiste.
  • Él dice/dijo.
  • Ella dice/dijo.
  • Ello dice/dijo.
  • Nosotros decimos/dijimos.
  • Ellos dicen/dijeron.

How you can see, the first conjugations own to the personal pronoun "yo," the second conjugations own to the personal pronoun "nosotros," and the third conjugations could own to the personal pronouns "él," "ella" or "ello."