A young child suffers a debilitating condition that includes progressive degeneration of the motor axons that innervate the masseter muscle. Which of the following muscles is most likely to exhibit the same fate?

A. Genioglossus
B. Tensor veli palatini
C. Orbicularis oris
D. Levator veli palatini
E. Stylopharyngeus

Respuesta :


The correct answer is option B. "Tensor veli palatini".


Masseter muscle plays an important role in chewing solid foods while the tensor veli palatini acts elevating the palate and preventing that food goes into the nasopharynx. A progressive degeneration of the motor axons that innervate the masseter muscle will likely produce a similar effect in the tensor veli palatini muscle. Not only both muscles have functions during chewing of food, but also both muscles are controlled by similar motor axons.