10. Dreaming
Dreaming sleep also occurs in cats, dogs, and elephants, and even in some reptiles.
Underline each prepositional phrase in the following sentences.
EXAMPLE 1. Across Ortega Bay, cottages of whitewashed stone from
the local stone quy line the road to the pier
The residents of the island eagerly await the arrival of the boat from the mainland.
4. Every morning, at the stroke of ten, the boat from the mainland docks there,
. The boat brings mail and supplies to the residents of the island.
Houghton Miflin Harcourt Publishing Company
4. Most of the passengers on the boat
5. With skill and determination, the captain of the boat, Consuelo Padilla, brings her
vessel safely to port.
6. Captain Padilla received her earliest training from her father.
9. Before he retired, the fir
10. He is proud of his
Her father had worked on many boats of all sizes.
8. For many years, he saved part of his salary to buy this boat.
crore he retired, the first Captain Padilla piloted this boat for twenty years.
e is proud of his daughter who has followed in his footsteps.