
1. Match each part of the brain with its proper function(s).
We each letter once. Some answer lines will have two or more correct letters.
1) Ventricles -
A. Regulates visual and a
B. Regulates heart rate a
2) Medulla
C. Coordinates volunta
3) Pons
D. Responsible for thir
E. Produces ADH and
4) Midbrain
F. Connects the ceret
5) Cerebellum
G. Regulates accesso
H. Four cavities wit
6) Hypothalamus
I. Regulates body
7) Thalamus
J. Regulates musc
K. Is anterior to th
8) Basal ganglia
L. Regulates cou
9) Corpus callosum
M. Integrates sen
10) Cerebrum
N. Contain cho
O. Regulates L
P. Enclosest