
Match the following terms to thelr definitions.
a diagram or picture that represents
1. revenue
2. balance sheet
money earned from a job
amount of income a business
3. income
makes in sales
4. equity
an amount of money based on
income and paid to the local, state, or
Federal government
a statement of a company's
financial position at a certain time
amount that was originally invested
5. income taxes
6. graph
in a business​

Respuesta :


1. Revenue - Amount of income a business makes in sales

2. Balance Sheet - A statement of a company's financial position at a certain time

3. Income - Money earned from a job

4. Equity - Amount that was originally invested in a business

5. Income Taxes - An amount of money based on income and paid to the local, state, or federal government

6. Graph - A diagram or picture that represents data

I tried to answer this to the best of my ability but please next time you post a question format it so it actually makes sense