Michael grows up in a home where his father is generally unloving toward his mother. He observes his father yell and degrade his mother, and he notices that his mother never resists this treatment. Based on the work of Bandura, what might we predict about Michael's own relationships when he is older?

Respuesta :


We can predict that it is probable that Michael will treat women with the same disrespect and discourtesy as his father.


According to Albert Bandura, learning is a social process, children learn through models that they have close to them, parents, family members, tv stars, etc. They observe these model's behaviors and are likely to imitate them.

With this learning theory in mind, it is possible that Michael's father acts as a model for him of how men behave in a relationship with women, and that he grows up to imitate that pattern of behavior, therefore, it he might treat women in the same way.