The Boolean Expression is (x >1)&&(x<3)
As mentioned in the question that to describe where the given quadratic is negative involves describing:
So when the quadratic is negative the following boolean expression is true:
(x >1)&&(x<3)
This expression means that the set of numbers are greater than 1 and less than 3. x represents such number. So this boolean expression returns a boolean value true when the 1 and 2 are true. It can also be returned as 1 (which means true in boolean). In the above expression > and < are relational operators used for comparison and & is called logical operator which depicts that both (x>1) and (x<3) should hold or should be true for the expression to return true.
Example of boolean expression
The logic of Boolean expressions is explained with the following chunk of C++ code. For example x is a number, (x>1)&&(x<3) is an expression whose result is stored in "bool" data type variable result. If this expression holds true(i.e. value of x is greater than 1 and less than 3) then output will be 1 (true) otherwise 0(which means false).
int x;
cout<<"enter value";
bool result;