Indicate which of the Hardy-Weinberg conditions is being violated in this example: Some moths on a tree are easier to see due to their lighter color and therefore are eaten by predators more often.
a) Large population size
b) No mutation
c) No gene flow
d) Random mating occurring
e) No selection

Respuesta :

Answer: In this example: Some moths on a tree are easier to see due to their lighter color and therefore are eaten by predators more often, the Hardy-Weinberg assumption violated was NO SELECTION because the moths that were eaten by the predators were being selected due to their lighter color.

Explanation: In selection, genotypes from mutation and recombination express differential survival and reproduction. "Most fit" in a selection refers to genotype or phenotype with greater average reproductive output over its lifespan than other genotypes or phenotypes. It depends on place, time, environmental conditions as well as genetics.