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Both The Code Book and The Dark Game explore codebreaking, but they are different in their tone, style, and language.


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Here you go! Dont copy this word-to-word so u dont get plagerized!


The Dark Game and The Code Book are similar and different in many ways. They both mention about espionage, with the life of spies, during different types of wars. They both also use different ways of writing. The stories that both books tell show  how they each present similar and different ideas. Though The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko and The Code Book by Simon Singh both examine aspects of the history of espionage, the organization, tone, and style are quite different.

The Dark Game is a book about the life or spies during the Civil War up unto the latest, the Vietnam War. It also shows the time order of how new weapons or gadgets that spies used were created. The tone of the story is mostly conversational, based of what history knows and putting it on two sides of the story. For example, during World War II, Zimmerman, the German secretary, wrote a coded letter to the Mexicans to persuade them to fight with the Axis Powers and invade the US. What Zimmerman didn't know was that scientists on the Allied Powers side created a system that allows them to encode the words that he wrote. After they sent this (in what the message actually said not in code) into the US newspaper headlines the next day, the US declared war on Germany. This text explains that it is vivid and it is written in narratively. But how does The Code Book differ from all of this?

The Code Book is a book about everything about code and espionage with added story characters in one war. It explains the meanings of the words used by spies and sometimes in the book show how gadgets work that spies have used before. From this text, we can tell that the style of writing is expository and the tone is scientific. This book is based off of wanting to become spies or always have an interest of spies. This means that the book is in dense detail. Now that we have looked at both books, what makes them similar and different?

Basically, The Dark Game uses a narrative type of style to explain the stories that the author wrote with a conversational tone, while The Code Book uses an expository type of style to explain the scientific tone about espionage and code. They both talk about espionage and code, but The Dark Game uses many stories to explain how espionage grew with real people, while The Code Book sticked to one story with fictional characters. The Dark Game uses vivid description to describe all the details of what is happening in each story; making sure that the author was correct in his research to publish the book. But, The Code Book uses dense detail and only worries about vocabulary terms and what gadgets did for spies. Just one thing similar might see to one person that two books are the same, but the person must look deeper to truly see if it is the EXCAT same like the other.

In conclusion, The Dark Game and The Code Book are similar and different in many ways. Though The Dark Game by Paul Janeczko and The Code Book by Simon Singh both examine aspects of the history of espionage, the organization, tone, and style are quite different. The Dark Game uses an conversational tone, while The Code Book uses a scientific tone. The Dark Game uses a narrative type of style, while the Code Book uses a expository type of style. Finally, The Dark Game uses vivid description to describe all that is happening in the book, while the Code Book uses dense detail to talk about espionage and code and what it means. When you think you know the similar and different ideas of these books, try reading the actual books.