// GetData() method accepts order number and quantity // that are used in the Main() method // Price is $3.99 each using System; using static System.Console; class DebugEight1 { static void Main() { int orderNum, quantity; double total; const double PRICE_EACH = 3.99; GetData(orderNum; quantity); total = quantity * PRICEEACH; WriteLine("Order #{0}. Quantity ordered = {1}", orderNum, quantity; WriteLine("Total is {0}", total.ToString("C")); }

Respuesta :


The method definition to this question as follows:

Method definition:

//method GetData

       public static void GetData(out int order, out int amount)//defining method GetData  


           String val1, val2;  //defining String variable

           Write("Enter order number ");  //message

           val1 = ReadLine();  //input value by user

           Write("Enter quantity ");  //message

           val2 = ReadLine();  //input value by user

           order = Convert.ToInt32(val1);  //convert value in integer and hold in order variable  

           amount = Convert.ToInt32(val2);  //convert value in integer and hold in amount variable



In the above C# method definition code a method  GetData() is defined in which the GetData() method is a static method, in this method parameter two integer argument "order and amount" is passed, inside a method, two string variable "val1 and val2" is declared that is used to take input by the user and convert the value into integer and store this value in the function parameter variable.