So, it took 11 hours for the change in temperature to be -33.
Step-by-step explanation:
Rate of change basically means the amount of change to how long it takes for the change to occur.
Rate of change = Change in Value/ Change in time
On a certain day the temperature changed at a rate of -3 per hour.
Let suppose the Temperature at 8:00 = 0°C
As the temperature changed at a rate of -3 per hour.
It means the Temperature at 9:00 = -3°C.
Rate of change = (-3 - 0)/(9:00 - 8:00) = -3°C per hour
So, the temperature to be -33°C, it would take 11 hour as -3 × 11 = -33.
Therefore, it took 11 hours for the change in temperature to be -33.