Shonda suffers from bipolar disorder. She has recently returned from the hospital to a dramatic, emotionally charged, "enmeshed" family situation. Which phrase BEST expresses Shonda’s likelihood of a relapse?

Respuesta :


it is 80- 90 % chances of relapse, almost certain for the relapse to reoccur.


Generally bipolar disorders can be caused by genetic and environmental factors.  One of the examples of environmental stress that causes bipolar disorder is mental stress and   family abuse in  which Shonda is entangled. Evidences has shown that some recent events of life,and interpersonal relationships are examples of  predisposing environmental  factors that triggers onset of bipolar disorders and relapse.

Therefore her  enmeshed or entanglement   in the family situation put mental stress on her; which cause her ventral system( parts of the brain which control emotions) to be over activated and the dorsal systems (parts which control  memory to be underactivated   which results in relapse.