Four different paints are advertised as having the same drying time. To check the manufacturer’s claims, five samples were tested for each of the paints. The time in minutes until the paint was dry enough for a second coat to be applied was recorded. The following data were obtained.

Paint 1 128 | 137 | 135 | 124 | 141
Paint 2 144 | 133 | 142 | 146 | 130
Paint 3 133 | 143 | 137 | 136 | 131
Paint 4 150 | 142 |135 |140| 153

At the α = 0.05 level of significance, test to see whether the mean drying time is the same for each type of paint.

Respuesta :


Null Hypothesis: Thers is no significance mean difference between the four different paints.

Alternative Hpothesis: There is a significance mean difference between the four different paints. ANOVA test for this by using some statistical package we have the following results one-way ANOVA

Time versus Types of paints Source DFSSMSFPTypes of paints3330.0110.02.50.1Error16692.043.3Total191022.0S= 6.576 R-sq= 32.29% R-sq (adj)= 19.59%Since the p-value of the above table is greater than 0.05, the level of significance so we accept thypothesis and sonclude that there is no significance mean different between the four different paints

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