
A nursing student is taking a pathophysiology examination. What factors would the student correctly identify as contributing to the underlying pathophysiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)?

Respuesta :


→presence of lot of mucus which blocked the respiratory pathways.

→narrowing of air ways due to inflammation of the epithelial limning.

→inability of the alveolar walls to expel air   due to loss of elasticity


When an individual experiences difficulty with breathing,coughed with thick   sputum produced,and  accompanied with wheezing sounds, there is likelihood of the blockage or obstruction of the respiratory passages to the lungs, which traps air in the lungs and prevents its removal.This condition is called COPD.  It is the combination of some pulmonary disease mostly-emphysema and chronic bronchitis, and worsen with time.

Emphysema  is the loss of elasticity of the alveolar due to damage to the Elastin tissues(usually by nicotine, tar,  in cigarette) which  allows the sacs to expand and contracts.Sacs are filled air , but the trapped air can not escape , therefore the lung expands,creating pain for the subject.

The chronic bronchitis is the  inflammation of the epithelial lining, which continue to irritate the bronchi, which stimulate immune response and therefore mucus production. it is this mucus that blocked the  bronchi given difficulties with breathing (shortness of breath)giving wheezing sounds.

Good lifestyle,intake of medication are measures to cure and prevent this.