Create a C# GUI Windows Form application named JobDemo that declares and uses Job objects. The Job class holds job information for a home repair service. The class has five properties that include a job number, customer name, job description, estimated hours, and price for the job. Create a constructor that requires parameters for all the data except price. Include auto-implemented properties for the job number, customer name, and job description, but not for hours or price; the price field value is calculated as estimated hours times $45.00 whenever the hours value is set.
Also create the following for the class:
An Equals() method that determines two Jobs are equal if they have the same job number A ToString() method that returns a string containing all job information
The JobDemo Windows Form declares a few Job objects, sets their values, and demonstrates that all the methods work as expected.
Using the Job class you created in (a), write a new application named JobDemo2 that creates an array of five Job objects. Prompt the user for values for each Job. Do not allow duplicate job numbers; force the user to reenter the job when a duplicate job number is entered. When five valid objects have been entered (use List), display them all, plus a total of all prices.
Create a RushJob class that derives from Job. A RushJob has a $150.00 premium that is added to the normal price of the job. Override any methods in the parent class as necessary. Create a new Windows Form named JobDemo3 that creates an a List of five RushJobs. Prompt the user for values for each, and do not allow duplicates
Create a RushJob class that derives from Job. A RushJob has a $150.00 premium that is added to the normal price of the job. Override any methods in the parent class as necessary. Write a new Windows Form named JobDemo3 that creates a List of five RushJobs. Prompt the user for values for each, and do not allow duplicate job numbers. When five valid RushJob objects have been entered, display them all, plus a total of all prices. Make any necessary modifications to the RushJob class so that it can be sorted by job number.