Getting Your Bearings: In this section of the final project, you will demonstrate your ability to execute commands to verify and confirm the status of the directory, files, and user account. At the end of this section, you will create a log file that will include a list of all the commands you used to complete these steps Navigate: The first step in this process, which you will provide evidence for in your log file, is to view the following using Linuxcommands

A. Current directory
B. Current user
C. Directory contents

Respuesta :

Answer / Explanation:

To answer this question, the first step is to to utilize are source inside the Linux operating system that can provide you with more information for how to utilize commands.

Utilize a command to access key command information that would inform which command switch to use to show all files in the directory, including hidden files.

Review the directory contents again utilizing a command with as witch that includes hidden files.

Locate a file: Locate and open a file in the Linux work space directory that contains the following text string: last backup.

File permissions: Locate the whoownsme.txt file and confirm that all users have the ability to execute the file.

Running processes: View all the processes running in the system in order of priority.

Log file: Utilize a Linux command to create a log file that contains all of the commands you have utilized up to this point,and ensure all of the commands

utilized in critical elements I through V are listed. Title this file Bearings_Log_File.txt, and download this file for submission.

Executing tasks: In this section of the project, you will demonstrate your ability execute Linux commands to create files and create and organize the Linux directory structure. At the end of this section, you will create a log file that will include a list of all the commands you used to complete these steps.

In the work space directory, create new directories titled NEW,BACKUP, and OLD.

Create files: For this section, you will need to create files using five different methods in preparation for scripting in the following section. Ensure that you place them in the directory titled “NEW”:

A text file with five lines of text that you chose, titled Personal_Content.txt

A text file listing the quantity of operating system free space,titled Free_Space_Content.txt

A text file listing the directory contents of your work space directory and showing all file permissions, titled:Directory_Content.txt

A text file with the concatenated output of the Directory_Content.txt file (Title the new fileCopied_Content.txt.)

A text file showing the current month, day, and time (Title thisfile Time_File.txt.)

Modify and move files: Utilize Linux commands to rename files and copy them to a different directory in preparation for the backup script in the following section. Rename the files by adding the suffix “_OLD” to them, and move the files from the “NEW”directory to the “OLD” directory.

Remember that your modified files should use an appropriate naming convention: XXXX_XXXX_OLD.txt. Ensure that your modified files reside in the OLD  directory, and that your original files reside in the

NEWdirectory. X. Log file:

Create a log file of all the commands you have utilized up to this point. Title this file Tasks_Log_File.txt, and download it for submission.

Script: In this section of your final project, you will write a basic script to create and back up files. You will create this script with the vi editor. The script will combine multiple commands and simplify a repeatable task. Your script should be named First name_Last name.BASH. Your script and your Linux directory structure should demonstrate that you have correctly written the script to do the following:

Create files: In this section, you will demonstrate your ability to utilize various Linux commands to create text files. Create these files in the NEW directory. Ensure that the commands in your log file show that the following three text files were created using three different methods. Create the following files:

A text file listing the quantity of operating system free space,titled Free_Space_Content.txt

A text file listing the directory contents of the OLD folder,titled OLD_Content.txt

A text file showing the current month, day, and time (Title this file Time_File.txt.)

Modify and Move files: Utilize Linux commands to copy files to a different directory and rename them.

Copy the following selected files from the OLD directory to the BACKUP directory. Ensure that you change the filename suffix from XXX_OLD to





Move all files from the NEW directory to the BACKUP directory(no renaming necessary). Clean up the Linux directory structure by deleting the items in the NEW directory.

Execute the script: At this point, you will need to complete and execute the newly created script and complete a successful directory backup process.

Assess output: Finally, analyze the Linux directory structure and file contents to confirm successful script implementation.Ensure that you download  your script and your Script_Assessment.txt file for submission.

A. Create a text file titled Script_Assessment.txt in the NEWdirectory; write a paragraph identifying the commands that you usedin your script,  and assess the success of your script.