Respuesta :
- bool isDivisibleBy(int n, int d){
- if(n % d == 0){
- return true;
- }
- else{
- return false;
- }
- }
To check if n is divisible by d, we can use modulus operator such as %. If n % d equal to 0, this means n is divisible by d. Modulus operator is to calculate the remainder obtained from a division. If a number is divisible by another number, the remainder will be 0.
By making use of this concept we can create if and else statement to check if n % d is equal to 0, return true (divisible) else return false (not divisible).
Here is the function in Python:
def isDivisibleBy(n,d):
return True;
return False;
Lets see how this works. You can call this function in main program to check if this function isDivisibleBy() works properly.
print("It is divisible")
print(" It is not divisible")
Now the bool function isDivisibleBy() takes two arguments, n and d. bool function returns either true or false. If the number in n is divisible by d the function returns true otherwise it returns false. The number n is completely divisible by d when the remainder of this division is 0. So modulus operator is used to check if n is completely divisible by d.
In main program if condition is used which calls the isDivisibleBy() function and checks if the function returns true. The function is passed two values 8 and 2 where 8 is n and 2 is d. If this condition evaluates to true then the message displayed in output is: It is divisible. When the if condition evaluates to false the messages displayed in output is: It is not divisible.
The program along with its output is attached in the screen shot.