Respuesta :
The position of these sequences is:
5' end
TATA box
Genomic clone of insulin
Rho terminator
Poly A signal sequence
3' end
The TATA box is a DNA sequence localized in promoter gene regions in organisms ranging from bacteria to eukaryotes
Genomic clone of insulin whose transcription to produce the protein of interest
Rho terminator is a pause sequence involved in the termination of transcription in prokaryotes
Polyadenylation is the addition of a poly Adenine (A) tail to a messenger RNA
Poly A signal sequence will involve in reverse transcriptase.
"Reverse transcriptase"
Reverse transcriptase reaction or RT can be defined as the RNA dependent DNA polymerase.
It is the DNA polymerase enzyme which converts the single stranded RNA to DNA.
Rho terminator causes pause to the sequence involved in the termination of transcription in bacteria.
Poly A signal sequence causes polyadenylation of a polyadenine (A) tail to a messenger RNA.
Learn more about bacteria: