D. The cost of cakes for receptions with fewer than the average number of guests would go down.
If the cost is allocated on the basis of number of guests, cost would go down for fewer guest.
Average no. of guests = (72 + 189) / 2 = 130.5 ≈ 131
Total Costs Pyburn Smith Wedding
Size related cost 0.94 x 72 = $67.68 , (0.94 x 189) = ($177.66)
Complexity Related $31.62 x 4 = $126.48 , ($31.62 x 5) = ($158.10)
Order-related $55.79 x 1 = $55.79
Total Cost $249.95 + $341.55 = $591.50
Allocation on the basis of no. of guests $591.50 x 72/261 $163.17 $428.33 ($591.50x189/261)
The cost reduces from $249.95 to $163.17 (due to number of guests 72 being less than average 131)