Identify which of the following are redox reactions. If a reaction is a redox reaction, name the element oxidized, the element reduced, the oxidizing agent, and the reducing agent. a. Mg(s) + Br2(l) --------> MgBr2(s) b. H2CO3(aq) -----------> H2O(l) + CO2(g)

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The answer to your question is below


a.                   Mg(s) + Br₂(l) --------> MgBr₂(s)    It is a Redox reaction

- Calculate the Oxidation numbers

                     Mg(s)⁰ + Br₂(l)⁰ --------> Mg⁺²Br₂⁻¹(s)  

                                    Mg⁰  ------------  Mg⁺²      Reducing agent

                                    Br₂⁰ ------------- Br₂⁻¹        Oxidizing agent

b.                   H₂CO₃(aq) -----------> H₂O(l) + CO₂(g)  It is not a Redox reaction

Calculate the oxidation numbers

                   H₂⁺¹C⁺⁴O₃⁻²(aq) -----------> H₂⁺¹O⁻²(l) + C⁺⁴O₂⁻⁴(g)