a mutually beneficial exchange between buyers and sellers, where buyers receive quality products and good service, and sellers realize a profit.
Marketing concept is a business philosophy which stated that in order for a business to acquire customers, that business need to be able to learn about customers' needs and do something in order to satisfy that needs. In return, the customers will contribute to the business' income. This relationship resulted in a mutually beneficial exchange between the two.
For example,
I want a food from this Mexican restaurant in the middle of the city. But i'm too lazy to drive there and buy it.
This create a need. For someone to go there , buy the food and deliver it to me.
There is a company who offered that service for me. That company require me to download an app and i can use that app to order a delivery. This company has satisfied the needs. In return, I'm willing to pay a delivery fee for their services. Both me and that company benefited from the situation.