Which of the following best summarizes the passage?
A. Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city known for its architecture in the mountains of Peru. The city was
forgotten before being uncovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911.
B. Machu Picchu is an ancient city built by the Incas in the mountain rainforest of Peru. The city was
abandoned and forgotten for over 400 years.
In the mountainous rain forest of Peru sits one of the
world's greatest treasures: Machu Picchu. Known as the
"Lost City of the Incas," Machu Picchu is an ancient stone
village built sometime in the 1400s. When the Spanish
conquered the Incan empire, they missed Machu Picchu.
It was too well hidden in the jungle. The Incas abandoned
the city, but it was not destroyed. Eventually, the jungle
grew over the city, and the city was forgotten for over 400
In 1911, Hiram Bingham was led to Machu Picchu by
Peruvian natives. Bingham was a historian at Yale
University in the United States. Though the jungle had
taken over, Bingham knew that he had found something
spectacular. He led the excavation and restoration of the
city and took away many items for study.
The architecture is what Machu Picchu is most known
for. The buildings were constructed of heavy stones
brought from far below up to the top of the mountain.
They were designed according to the location of the Sun,
stars, and the Moon at certain times of the year. A visit to
Machu Picchu amazes most visitors, thinking about the
abilities of such an ancient civilization.
Machu Picchu was discovered, excavated, and then studied for many years by Hiram Bingham. He was
an American historian working at Yale University in 1911.
D. Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city. The architecture of the city was designed and built according to
the locations of the Sun, Moon, and stars.

Respuesta :


A. Machu Picchu is an ancient Incan city known for its architecture in the mountains of Peru. The city was forgotten before being uncovered by Hiram Bingham in 1911.


Summaries contain only the most important details of a passage. Remember that the details should be taken from the whole passage, not just from some of the parts of the passage. This passage begins with information about what Machu Picchu is and where it is located. Then, passage discusses when Machu Picchu was uncovered by Hiram Bingham and mentions why the site is famous. These are important details drawn from the whole passage and should be included in any summary.