A. The rites of greek Theatre come from hellinisum I believe. that is the Greek religion. This was during the 6th century BCE.
B. Male dionizje (also known as dionysia) is an ancient Greek festival for the Greek god Dionysus. Wielkie Dionizji is also another festival. Also these festivals were originated for a cult, which is quite fascinating during that era.
C. Dyteyramb means a song of praise for tragedy.
D. Corypheus is in a theatre is the lead chorus.
E. Tragedy means something that is emotional and dramatic. Typically used in Shakespeare poems/stories in the 18th century, as well as other authors.
F. Homer, sophocles, herodotus, and euripidos.
G. 3 actors
H. It is the misfortunes of the main character.
I. A literary device as trait leading the the downfall in the story.
J. Catharsis is the process of releasing strong emotions.
K. Dionysos Eleuthereus in the 6th century BCE