You are given the following total utilities of apples and mineral water obtained by
Bervin. Given that each apple cost K5 each bottle of water cost K2, and Bervin's
income is K22,
find the optimal combination of apples and bottles of mineral

Respuesta :


2 apples and 6 bottles of water


since Bervin earns K22, her consumption possibilities frontier is:

apple                water                  total utils obtained

4 units               1 unit                   90 + 20 = 110 utils

3 units               3 units                75 + 54 = 129 utils

2 units               6 units                55 + 90 = 145 utils

1 unit                  8 units                30 + 98* = 128 utils

0 units               11 units                0 + 98* = 98 utils

The optimal combination of apples and bottles of water is 2 apples and 6 bottles of water because that combination yields the most utils.

*Since the table only states the utils obtained until the 7th unit, we must assume that any additional unit consumed will provide 0 utils.

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