In C++ programming please.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Game.
a) Write a program that lets the user play the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer. The program should work as follows:
1. When the program begins, a random number in the range of 1 through 3 is generated (1+rand()%3). If the number is 1, then the computer has chosen rock. If the number is 2, then the computer has chosen paper. If the number is 3, them the computer has chosen scissors. (Don't display computer's choice yet).
2. The user enters his or her choice of "rock", "paper", or "scissors" at the keyboard. (You can use a menu if you prefer).
3. The computer's choice is displayed.
4. A winner is selected according to the rock paper scossors game riles.
Be sure to divide the program into the following functions:
int getUserChoice ();
The getUserChoice function displays a menu allowing the user to select rock, paper, or scissors.
4 to Quit the game
The function then returns 1 for rock, or 2 for paper, or 3 for scissors.
User input validation of the choices
int getComputerSchoice ();
The getComputerChoice function returns the computer's game choice.
It returns 1 for rock (via the ROCK constant), or 2 for paper (via the PAPER constant), or 3 for scissors
determineWinner (int, int);
The determineWinner function accepts the user's game choice and the computer's game choice as arguments and displays the choices, and a message indicating the winner.
void displayChoice (int);
The displayChoice function accepts an integer argument and displays rock, paper, or Scissors.
int main ()
Loop while user choice is not 4 (Quit the game)

Respuesta :


A program was written in C++ that allows the user to play the game of Rock, Paper, Scissors against the computer.





#include <locale>




using namespace std;

int play(int user,int cpu){  

 return(user - cpu);   //here is just substracting and returning the value entered by user and cpu  


void display(int choice){   //to display the choices entered by user or cpu  

 if(choice == 1){    //1 for Rock  


 }else if(choice == 2){    //2 for Paper  


 }else{       //3 for Scissors  




void winner(int win){  

 if(win == 0){       //if user and cpu entered same value

     cout<<"A game is a draw."<<endl;  

 }else if(win == 1){   //if user entered Paper and cpu entered Rock or if user entered Scissors and cpu entered Paper  

     cout<<"Hurray You won."<<endl;

 }else if(win == -1){   //if user entered Rock and cpu entered Paper or if user entered Paper and cpu entered Scissors  

     cout<<"CPU won."<<endl;  

 }else if(win == 2){        //if user entered Scissors and cpu entered Rock  

     cout<<"CPU won."<<endl;  

 }else if(win == -2){       //if user entered Rock and cpu entered Scissors  

     cout<<"Hurray You won."<<endl;  



int cpu_choice(){

 srand (time(NULL));    //this function is to generate random from time to time  

 int cpu = 1000;  

 while(cpu > 3){   //to generate random number between 1 to 3  

     cpu = (rand() % cpu) +1;  


 return cpu;  


int main(){  

 int choice=0,cpu=0,win=0;  

 locale loc;  

 string ch;  

 cout<<"Enter your choice :"<<endl;  

 cout<<"1. Rock\n2. Paper\n3. Scissors"<<endl<<"\t";

 cin>>ch;ch[0] = toupper(ch[0],loc); //converting the first element to char if by misktake the user have entered lower case  

 if("Rock") == 0 ||"Paper") == 0 ||"Scissors") == 0){ //if choice is correct  

     cout<<"You: "<<ch<<endl; //display the choice entered by the user

     if(ch[0] == 'r' || ch[0] == 'R') choice = 1; //if the user enter rock or Rock  

     else if(ch[0] == 'p' || ch[0] == 'P') choice = 2; //if the user enter paper or Paper  

     else if(ch[0] == 's' || ch[0] == 'S') choice = 3; //if the user enter scissors or Scissors  

     cout<<"CPU: ";  

     cpu = cpu_choice(); //get cpu choice

     display(cpu); //display the choice entered by the cpu using the random number

     win = play(choice,cpu); //call the function to play the game and returns the winner

     winner(win); //display the winner

 }else{ //if entered choice is wrong

     cout<<"wrong choice!"<<endl;


 return 0;  
