PART A: According to Hume, what type of people tend to focus on the meanness of
Hume describes this type of people as either eloquent or ridiculous.
Hume believes that all people are interested in human nature, but lack the
capabilities or education to make logical conclusions about it
С. Hume describes these people as indifferent to country and community, for
those are the only people who are distanced and cynical enough to be
interested in man's meanness.
D. Hume places these people in two categories: those who condemn human
nature and those who glorify it.

Respuesta :


A. Hume describes this type of people as either eloquent or ridiculous.


According to a different source, this question refers to the text "Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature" by David Hume.

In this text, Hume presents two relatively contradictory ideas. On the one hand, Hume argues that some people believe men to be naturally wonderful and remarkable. They believe that men are demigods, and that their purpose on Earth is a wonderful one. On the other hand, other people believe that men are naturally mean, and they tend to focus on men's flaws. Of the second group, Hume states that these people are often either eloquent and talented for irony, or ridiculous. Hume tends to favour the first group.

The type of people tend to focus on the meaness of man are:

A. Hume describes this type of people as either eloquent or ridiculous.

As indicated by an alternate source, this inquiry alludes to the text "Of the Dignity or Meanness of Human Nature" by David Hume.  

In this message, Hume presents two somewhat inconsistent thoughts. From one viewpoint, Hume contends that certain individuals accept men to be normally brilliant and wonderful.

They accept that men are mythical beings, and that their motivation on Earth is a superb one. Then again, others accept that men are normally mean, and they will generally zero in on men's blemishes.

The subsequent gathering, Hume expresses that these individuals are frequently either smooth and capable for incongruity, or strange.

Hume will in general incline toward the principal bunch.

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