Formaggio Vecchio announced its regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.20 per share. Currently there are one million shares outstanding.

Declaration date: October 24, 2006

Ex-dividend date: November 20, 2006

Record date: November 22, 2006

Payment date: December 15, 2006

On ____ will the stock price change to reflect the value of the dividend;
Formaggioâs stock price at the end of November is expected to be $20. The dividend yield is ____;
Suppose that the marginal tax rate on dividend is 15% and the marginal tax rate on capital gain is 10%, the stock price will fall by _____ after the ex-dividend date;
Suppose that the company decides to use the same amount of cash to buy back shares rather than to issue cash dividends. The company will buy back shares at the market price at the end of November. You currently hold 10000 shares, and you decide to sell 1000 shares during the repurchase. The percentage ownership after the repurchase is ____ ;
Suppose that the company decides to issue a 10% stock dividend instead of a cash dividend. The stock price will fall by ___ due to the dilution

Respuesta :


A.On Ex-dividend date: November 20, 2006



D. $1.82


1.On Ex-dividend date: November 20, 2006

will the stock price change to reflect the value of the dividend

b. Calculation for Formaggio’s dividend yield

Using this formula

Dividend yield = dividend/share price

Let plug in the formula

= .20/20 = 1%

c. Calculation of how much the stock price is likely to fall

0.20*(1 – 15%) = P*(1 – 10%)

Solve for P = $0.19

d. Calculation of How much is the stock price likely to fall Suppose that the company decides to issue a 10% stock dividend instead of a cash dividend.

$1,000,000 + (1,000,000 * 10%)


= 1,100,000 total shares


$20,000,000 / 1,100,000 = $18.18 per share

$20 – 18.18 = $1.82 fall