a. Computation of percentages for Vertical Analysis
Other current Assets -- (Other current assets/Total Assets) * 100 -- ($291/$5070)*100 -- 6%
Intangible -- (Intangibles/Total assets) * 100 --($1,974/$5,070)*100--39%
Property and Equipment,Net -- (Property and equipment,Net/Total assets)*100-- ($548/$5070)100 -- 11%
Accrued Liabilities -- (Accrued liabilities / Total liability and stockholders Equity)*100 -- ($658/$5070)*100-- 13%
Total Liabilities -- (Total liability/Total liabilities and stock holders Equity) * 100 -- ($2803/$5070) * 100 -- 55%
b. Percentage of intangible and Property and Equipment
Intangibles -- (Intangibles / Total assets) * 100 -- ($1,976/$5070 * 100) -- 39%
Property and Equipment -- (Property and Equipment, Net/Total Assets) * 100 -- ($548/$5070 * 100) -- 11%