Respuesta :

God is presented as being all-powerful and all-knowing, aware of all the shortcomings and misdeeds of humanity as a whole and of every individual person. 


No, Edwards' characterization of God is not irrational, for he showed Him as an image of an angry, judgmental but also loving and forgiving.


Jonathan Edwards in his sermon "Sinners In The Hands of an Angry God" is a vindictive warning for people to abstain from sinning further. They should ask God for forgiveness, who is loving and will forgive their sins if they sincerely ask for forgiveness. Building the image of God as a loving and peaceful God, but vengeful if needed, Edwards shows God as a mighty being, mightier and supreme over all beings. Comparing man as a mere spider in the hands of God, he shows how tiny and insignificant humans are in comparison to God. So, Edwards' characterization of God as irrational is wrong. He did showed God as a God of anger and jealousy but also showed the good and calm side of him, loving and understanding.