Respuesta :
Replace /* Your solution goes here */ with
RaiseToPower(baseVal, exponentVal-1);
From the question, we understand that the program uses recursion.
The essence of recursion is to call a function from the function itself.
This is done by RaiseToPower(baseVal, exponentVal-1);
Because it passed the baseVal and the exponentVal reduced by 1 to the RaiseToPower function.
This is repeated until exponentVal = 1.
However, I've added the full program as an attachment where I used comments to explain some lines.
In this exercise we have to use the knowledge of computational language in C++ to write the code.
This code can be found in the attached image.
To make it simpler the code is described as:
int RaiseToPower(int baseVal, int exponentVal){
int resultVal = 0;
if (exponentVal == 0) {
resultVal = 1;
else {
resultVal = baseVal * RaiseToPower(baseVal, exponentVal-1);
return resultVal;
int main(void) {
int userBase = 0;
int userExponent = 0;
userBase = 4;
userExponent = 2;
printf("%d^%d = %d\n", userBase, userExponent, RaiseToPower(userBase, userExponent));
return 0;
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